Question regarding the speedtest on the USG. Is this using some commercial speedtest service under the hood, or is it going to Ubiquity servers somewhere? Is there anyway to point it toward another server? Reason being it's showing really low values for my setup (~170mbps down, ~100mbps up)

Linksys Router Speed Test Fix WRT 3200ACM - YouTube Jan 13, 2018 Solved: Speed test nonsense - Verizon Fios Community Actually the Verizon speed tests are almost always the accurate test results because it was meant for testing fios. speedtests site can give ping errors, you can run into several bad servers, etc.. You have to run tests on several servers on speedtest to get an estimate of what you are really getting. Try Washignton DC if you havent yet.

Simply select the ARNU Box Speed Tester add-on and your speed-test will now start…. It will even ask you once the test has finished if you would like to save a copy of your test. So let’s show you guy’s how to install this speedtest add-on on your device. Before we do I would like to point out that I’ve tested it on a Amazon Fire TV and

Kodi Internet Speed Test with - Kodiforu

Solved: Can't run Verizon Speed Test - Verizon Fios Community

Speed Test: Test the Speed of Your Internet Connection There are many reasons why you may not be getting the results you expected from your speed test. Once again, make sure you run the test multiple times to rule out any random dips in speed. Also be sure to double check that no one else is using their device on your network when you run the test. Kodi Internet Speed Test with - Kodiforu An Internet Speed Test is a Website or Web application used to determine a user’s internet connection speed. An Internet Speed Test is a process of examining the connection of broadband boundary by sending a small file from the server and calculates the download time it takes. Then upload the file back to the server. Along the way, the calculation of parameters like Jitter and Packet Loss