In February 2011, the Commonwealth Government announced Australia’s new multicultural policy, The People of Australia. A key component of the policy was the establishment of a new national partnership to develop and implement a comprehensive National Anti-Racism Strategy for Australia.

Know Your Rights The team speak about the “Sovereign Citizens” oxymoron concept and pulled apart the media rubbish on that topic. They covered the class action against the government’s Robodebt scheme and answered a heap of listener e-mails once again. Australia common law know your rights. 765 likes · 27 talking about this. no school system teaches common law in australia any more, know your rights, and use use to be taught in schools up Apr 17, 2020 · Canada student’s visa- Know your rights- protect yourself against deportation International Students in Canada have the same right to free speech as their native counterparts. However, they need to express themselves in a peaceful and orderly manner. And make a MACCA'S RUN! You know who this bloke is Your wheelie bin isn't a bin It's a wicket These buggers swoop you every year But the maggies are alright most of the time Compared to the The below answers some of the most common questions surrounding your rights and the police in Australia. When can you be pulled over? There was once a time when, in order to be stopped by police, there needed to be a reason - or, to use legal parlance, you’d need to have given them probable cause (be it speeding, driving erratically or doing No matter how you get Medicare, you have certain rights and protections designed to: Protect you when you get health care. Make sure you get the health care services the law says you can get. Protect you against unethical practices. Protect your privacy. Details about your rights in Medicare. Rights & protections for everyone with Medicare

Know Your Rights Group. 13,041 likes · 3,482 talking about this. The Know Your Rights Group is a community of passionate, like-minded people who are committed to informing and educating people about

The effect of the ‘special caution’ is that if you then fail or refuse to tell police a fact that is later relied on in your defence in court, it may permit the court to use your silence against you. If you are not represented by a lawyer or if your lawyer is not present when police speak to you, this provision does not apply. There are many laws in Australia to prevent discrimination and International students should know their rights regarding this matter to make sure your employer is doing the right thing. Look Fairwork website and Justice website for information.

There are many issues relating to the concept of Local Government that affect our everyday lives – parking fines, rates, and a whole range of fines that are issued by local councils who believe that they are authorised under various local government acts to operate as a third tier of government. Unfortunately for them, the Read More

Australia, you're being kept in the dark. You have a right to know what the governments you elect are doing in your name. But in Australia today, the media is prevented from informing you, people who speak out are penalised and journalism that shines a light on matters you deserve to know about is criminalised.