Jan 14, 2019

Ansible sudo - ansible become example | DevOps Junction Jul 08, 2020 How To Create a Sudo User on Debian | Linuxize Feb 19, 2019

and sudo su - is the same as sudo su - root specifying root is redundant. sudo -u root -H /bin/bash again the -u root is redundant, sudo runs as root by default but the -H /bin/bash is run as an sudoer, the env vars SUDO_USER, SUDO_UID and SUDO_COMMAND are set to the callers name/uid and bash respectively.

Basic Usage. In the following example, sysadmin has allowed user john to restart apache server. … Connect to mysql server without sudo - Stack Overflow

Sudo is a program for Unix, Linux, Debian etc.. that allows users to run a program as a superuser. superuser means Root, for installation of sudo in your android[Termux] your device must be root. the old versions of sudo were designed to run commands as the only superuser, but the latest version of sudo is support for Running commands not only as of the superuser. we can install sudo on our

I need to run something as sudo without a password, so I used visudo and added this to my sudoers file: MYUSERNAME ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/my/program Then I tried it out: $ sudo /path/to/my/pro