Get app purchase date for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 applications Is there a way, either in C# or C++ APIs for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 Metro applications, to get the user's app purchase date or, in case the app has been downloaded for free, the date of the

Welcome to our Windows Forum community. This website is a free, open, and dedicated community of technology enthusiasts. In order to post messages, upload images, and participate, you must first register for a free account. Aug 15, 2012 · Windows 8 is now avaialable to MDSN and TechNet subscribers. We are in the process of moving all the threads in the Windows 8 forums to a new "Pre-release" forum. Apr 04, 2014 · Microsoft users were enthralled to hear that they would be able to use their favourite windows phone 8.1 OS on their smart-phones too. And with time due to the support of these users, this day, Microsoft has announced a new Windows 8.1 update for the smart-phones. This article will present some of the features Windows phone 8.1 is equipped with. Samsung’s new ATIV Clock app precedes Windows Phone 8.1 update f Samsung has been quiet on its plans to update its ATIV smartphones to Windows Phone 8.1, but the company has now indirectly confirmed that the update is certainly coming, Samsung’s new ATIV Clock app precedes Windows Phone 8 Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Phone 8 are two different platforms. On other hand Windows Phone 8.1 is the same platform as Windows Store Apps. So in this case, you need to write Use Microsoft’s online emulator to discover what you can do with Windows Phone 8.1.

Oct 16, 2019 · In a recent update to its support page, Microsoft announced it will shut the Windows Phone 8.1 Store on December 16. News of its impending closure was first reported by Softpedia .

Apr 14, 2014 · Starting today, you can update your personal dev phone(s) to run Windows Phone 8.1 using the Windows Phone Preview for Developers program . Along with the tooling delivered in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC, developers can now get everything they need to start building and testing Windows Phone apps and universal Windows apps. FYI. If you are running Windows Phone 8.1.1 setting up a Bluetooth Personal Are Network eliminates the need for the non-existent Entune App. If you have internet sharing on your Windows Phone 8.1.1 there is an option to share over Bluetooth. In Entune, connect your Windows Phone for phone Windows Phone. Sidebar Forum Rules & Styling Posts. Views 5K. Sep 15, 2014. jpishgar. Normal threads. H. Can I use my Samsung Windows 8.1 phone to do skype

FYI. If you are running Windows Phone 8.1.1 setting up a Bluetooth Personal Are Network eliminates the need for the non-existent Entune App. If you have internet sharing on your Windows Phone 8.1.1 there is an option to share over Bluetooth. In Entune, connect your Windows Phone for phone

Nov 20, 2014 · Windows Phone 8.1 brings Microsoft's mobile platform to the modern age, finally, with a handful of big new updates. In fact, it's strange to call it 8.1 when it could really warrant a whole new name. Apr 14, 2014 · Today, you can now install Windows Phone 8.1 on your phone through the Windows Phone Preview for Developers and try out a lot of the awesomeness we announced two weeks ago at Build. To do this, follow the instructions here on the Dev Center. I suggest reading the important notes on the instructions page before … Jan 11, 2017 · Took me a while but I finally found the official docs for windows 10 devices. The strings there can be passed as an argument to Application.OpenURL(..); 3 out of 4 "review app" URLs work for me on my PC (windows 10) but none of them do on my windows phone (8.1). Hi, Thanks for contacting us. AutoCAD 360 version for Windows 8.1 currently supports Desktops and Tablets only. AutoCAD 360 for Windows Phone may be available in the future. You are welcome to tell us about your experience working with AutoCAD 360 for Windows 8.1. Apr 14, 2014 · Cortana. There are improvements in Windows Phone 8.1 to Xbox Music and Wallet and Maps, plus better support for dual SIM cards, app updates, and calendar views, but those are tweaks and bugfixes.