How to Install Facebook App on iPhone/iPad

Jun 24, 2020 How Do I Reinstall My Kindle App? – Cyn Mackley Feb 07, 2017 How to Reinstall Windows Store (Microsoft Store) in Windows 10 Nov 22, 2019 How to reinstall app store. - Microsoft Community Jul 27, 2016

To reinstall OneDrive for iOS. The best way to reset the app it to uninstall and reinstall it. Uninstall the OneDrive app by pressing and holding the OneDrive app icon. Tap the 'X' in the corner and then accept the confirmation message to delete it.

Mar 06, 2020 · Tip 1. Restore deleted Apps on iPhone/iPad via App Store. If you find you cannot connect to App Store, you might need to move to Tip 2. Step 1. Go to the "App Store" on your iPhone or iPad. Step 2. Tap on "Updates" at the bottom of the screen. Step 3. Click "Purchased" to see all purchased Apps in your account. Step 4. Switch to "Not on This Great app! Many small things struck me, as well as, large things. First off, I appreciate not being immediately “approached” for a review until after I had used the app and, also, that the “request” came at the end of my using the app; not first-thing upon initiating the app.

Reinstall or restore iOS on a malfunctioning iPhone or iPad

How to reinstall Microsoft Store app in Windows 10 Sep 29, 2018 How to reinstall the app store – Support Here is how to reinstall the app store widget: Find and open the Google Apps Installer widget; Tap on the start screen, anywhere where there is no icon Or tap the Settings button (bottom left on the screen) Tap the Widgets icon. All your Fairphone widgets show here. Scroll to the right for the Google Apps …